
Friday, April 8, 2011

This week has been a pretty big one for Paislyn! Sunday afternoon I realized that her two bottom teeth had broke through. Little stinker wouldn't let me see them, I could only feel them. But they are there. She was pretty fussy for the first two nights, but other then that she did awesome!! She has also been getting really fast at army crawling, but on Tuesday night around 10:30 she started to crawl. I just want to point out that she should have been sleeping. Crazy crazy girl! Now I can't keep up with her, she is all over the place. Picking up this and playing with that. Life was a lot more relaxed when all she wanted to do was sleep and cuddle with mom.

Friday, April 1, 2011

I Stand All Amazed

Devin and I were talking the other night about how blessed we are. I see the Lords hand in my life every single day. Since we have been married (year and 1/2) the Lord has blessed us spiritually, emotionally, financially,physically and most importantly Paislynly!! At times I feel like I don't deserve it, but it just goes to show how much the Lord really does love us. My favorite hymn says it best, "I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me.." Of course my biggest blessing has been my wonderful husband and beautiful daughter. 2 years ago I would have never imagined being this happy and this blessed. The Lord knows me so well he knew he had to send me the best of the best. Thank heavens for the Gospel and knowledge we have of eternal families.
