
Friday, May 18, 2012

Joys of Motherhood

When I was young I always knew I wanted to be a mom.  And the thought of being a stay at home mom would excite me so much.  I just only hoped that I would marry a guy who could support me doing just that.  Then I met Devin, who just blew me away. While we were dating and talking about marriage he expressed how much he wanted our kids to have a stay at home mom.  YAY!  Not only did I want this for our kids, but I found a man who wanted the same thing.  Paislyn is almost 2, and so far me staying home has been such a blessing.  I can't image having to leave her everyday to go to work.  I admire those woman (my mom including) who do have to work outside the home.  I know it can't be easy for them, and yet they do it everyday. Work an 8 hour day, come home and do the whole mom and house keeping thing.  I know my mom worked her butt off everyday just to make our lives easier.  And a day doesn't go by that I don't admire her strength.

Staying at home with my little angel of a child :) is frustrating, exhausting, fun, wonderful, fulfilling, and all sorts of other emotions jumbled together. From the moment she wakes up there is cheerios scattered in the living room, baby wipes being pulled out here and there, drawers being emptied,  dirty diapers, and tripping over every toy possible.  As soon as I get frustrated and ready to take a nap myself, she wraps her little arms around my neck and all the mess of the day is blocked out. In just that little moment, I remember why I love being a mom and love being there to watch her learn and grow.  I can't imagine myself doing anything else!  I love reading her books, and singing songs with her.  I love building block towers just to watch her knock them down, and then laugh so hard she loses control.  I love being there to comfort her when she is sad, or tired.  I love being the one to make her smile and laugh.

Today was one of those days!  I have to remember why I love being a mom.  Paislyn finished her lunch, we checked her diaper and put her down for a nap.  She usually goes right down, but today she kept talking and fussing about something. I walked in her room to see what the deal was.........and well.........yuck!  She had messed her diaper and decided to reach in her diaper.  Well once that happened she freaked out because she hates stuff being on her hands.  So she tried to rub it off anyway she could.  By the time I got in there she had rubbed it everywhere.  Hair, face, sheets, blanket, crib sides, pants, and shirt. So nap time came a little late today.  I had to bath her, start laundry, disinfect the crib and anything within a few feet of the crib.  Once she wakes up from her nap, I feel like I need to shampoo the carpet and clean the walls.  I'm being very paranoid, but ugh I can't stand thinking there might be more lurking around. Situations like this are frustrating but I can't help but laugh.  She keeps me on my toes for sure!  She is sleeping like an angel, as if nothing ever happened, but I think I might be paranoid for sometime.  Oh the joys of motherhood!

1 comment:

  1. oh yucky! Why do they do that when we're pregnant? That's the only time I've ever encountered a similar situation, blech!
    One day you'll laugh about it.

